by Michael Sedacca, Portfolio Manager
Seasonality is the tendency for securities to perform better during some periods and worse during others.

In the last quarter of the year, closed-end funds (“CEF’s”) tend to have seasonally weak performance. Specifically, between November 1st and December 15th, CEF performance on average is negative relative to the underlying assets. While we cannot quantify the precise reason, we believe the most likely cause is tax-loss selling.
Conversely, CEF‘s have strong positive seasonality in the first four months of the year. Specifically, between January 1st and April 30th, the S-Network CEF Index (CEFXTR) gained in 9 of the last 11 years. The average gain during the four months was 4.64%. Also, the month of April was positive for all 11 years. Note that the only two years of declines had catalysts. In 2018, the market was in the teeth of the Federal Reserve (“Fed”) hiking cycle, and in 2020, the pandemic.
The seasonality is playing out again this year, especially for fixed income CEF’s, which make up two–thirds of all CEF’s. Drilling down further, price returns are most negative for fixed-income CEF sectors sensitive to a rise in short-term interest rates.
The average discount-to-NAV for the universe of fixed income CEF’s that we track has widened from -5.91% at the end of September to -9.41% today, or -3.50%. As a yardstick, fixed income CEF discounts-to-NAV oscillate between a range of -5% and -10%. So, currently, at near -10%, the discount-to-NAV is at the very wide end of the historical range.
We believe the current setup is an opportunity to potentially capture the positive CEF alpha that may be generated through the end of April.
If you are interested in learning more about how we use closed-end funds to construct portfolios, please call us at 212-475-8664 or email us at
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Other important risk considerations, products, or terminology:
- S-Network Composite Closed-End Total Return Index (CEFXTR): The S-Network Composite Closed-End Fund Index is a net assets-weighted fund index designed to serve as a benchmark for closed-end funds listed in the US that principally engage in asset management processes designed to produce taxable annual yield.
- Closed-End Fund Leverage: Leverage is a speculative technique that exposes a closed-end fund to greater risk and increased costs than if it were not used. The use o leverage may cause greater volatility in the level of a closed-end fund’s NAV, market price and distributions on its Common Shares. Leverage will also result in higher fees due to the closed-end fund manager because the amount of assets under management will be included in the closed-end funds Managed Assets. There can be no assurance that a closed-end fund will use leverage or that its levered strategy will be successful during any period in which it is employed. Additional information on how closed-end funds use leverage can be found at CEF Connect.
- Tax Risk: New federal or state governmental action could adversely affect the tax-exempt status of securities held by a closed-end fund, resulting in higher tax liability for shareholders and potentially hurting performance as well. It is strongly suggested that investors obtain independent advice in relation to any investment, financial, legal, tax, accounting or regulatory issues discussed in this commentary.
- Net Asset Value (NAV): A mutual fund’s price per share or exchange-traded fund’s (ETF) per-share value. In both cases, the per-share dollar amount of the fund is calculated by dividing the total value of all securities in its portfolio, less any liabilities, by the number of fund shares outstanding.
- Discount-to-NAV: A pricing situation that occurs with a closed-end fund when its market price is currently lower than the net asset value of its components.
- Alpha: We determine Alpha as the relative return of a Closed-End Fund
’s (CEFs) share price to its Net Asset Value (NAV). Any return of the share price that is greater than the NAV is deemed to be positive alpha. Any return that is negative than the NAV is deemed to be negative alpha.